5 Tips About How to Change Domain Names Without losing Search Engine Ranking

5 Tips About How to Change Domain Names Without losing Search Engine Ranking



The pursuit   of organic search engine optimization is pursued by all online businesses.   Being   on  the first page of  search engine  results   means   better   visibility,   more   customer   engagement,   and   more   sales.   

This  is  a   fascinating  virtuous  circle   that   can  be   achieved by  implementing  comprehensive SEO (search engine optimization) strategy.

As the  foundation  of  every   web   page   on  your  website,   your  domain name  goes   hand   in   hand   with  this organic search optimization strategy. 

5 Tips About How To Change Domain Names Without losing Search Engine Ranking

However, there are  many  reasons  for   changing   a  domain name,  such   as   mergers   and   acquisitions,  new brand  identities,  different domain  extensions,   and   of   course   choosing  a domain name  optimized for search engine  rankings.   

So  how  do  you  ensure   that   you   don't  lose the work  you've  done  to   optimize  your  website  for search engine  rankings  when you change  your  domain  name?  

Here are  five  tips  on  How to Change Domain Names Without losing Search Engine Ranking:


Keep the same domain owner

To be ranked, a   website   must be indexed by search engines. To do this, Google (and others) use  "bots"  that crawl  websites,  record  URLs,   and  include them in  search  results  (SERPs).

When you register a domain name,  you   will  be asked for  some  contact information,  specifically  the name of the  domain  name   owner.  

Some of this information is reflected in Whose which is especially useful for checking   domain availability and   identifying domain name owners.

Search engine crawler bots regularly index this information.  Also, the time it   takes   to   register a domain name affects   her   website’s ranking, so   it's   best to keep the same owner. 

Google doesn’t consider it a new website, but a long-term online presence   that helps maintain   rankings.

Create a sitemap and make it available to search engines

Organic rankings   rely on Google’s ranking criteria. In other words,  to  get   a   ranking,  you  have  to follow  the   rules   of   the   Google   algorithm.   This   is  easier said than  done,   as   algorithms   involve   many   different   website   components   and   are   constantly   (if   not   always)   evolving. 

This  includes a  sitemap,  the   structure  of your  website.  This document  layers   the  resources and content  associated   with  each page of  the  website in an XML document. 

It plays  an   important  role in search engine  rankings   as  it allows search engines to index  every   page  of your  website.

Therefore,   when  you change  your  domain  name,  it's   important  to create (or update)  a  sitemap and  share   it   with   your   site's  search engines  to speed up  indexing of  the  new URLs. This is  very   easy  for Google  to   do   with   just  a few clicks in  Google SearchConsole.

Create a 301 redirect to your new page

To  maintain   rankings,  search engine bots need to know where  the content  of   the   old   URL   is.   301   redirects   (also   known   as   permanent   web   redirects)   are   very   important   because   they   allow   any   page   on  your old  website  to link  to  a  corresponding page  on   your  new  website.

In   this   way   we   inform  search engines  that the previous content  has   been  moved to  the  new page.  The   new  pages  are  indexed in place of the old  pages,   so   they   can   carry   over   the  popularity  they've   gained.

Update your backlinks

Another criterion   that Google considers  when indexing pages is the trust level of each page.  Backlinks, or links to your site from other sites, give search engines a measure of their trust.  It   is   important to ask to renew with the new domain name.  

If you have a lot of backlinks and  don't  have time, prioritize links  from  authoritative  sites  first.   These  have the  biggest  impact on  rankings.  

However,  it's   a   good   idea   to   list  each link to make sure you  can  get them all.  Backlinks   that   are  not updated will generate  404  errors   and   lower  your  ranking.

Notify  Google of  your  domain name change

After   all,  Google plays  an   important  role in your  website's  organic ranking,  so   it's  a  good idea to  let   Google   know   about   your  domain name  change  so  they can index  your  new  web   page   address   with  the new URL.  increase.  You can make this update directly in Google Search Console.


Changing  your  domain  name  can  affect  your search engine  rankings  if you  do   not   neglect  to  implement  your  new domain  name   carefully.   However,   by  applying these 5 tips,  you can limit the negative  results  and  quickly regain  lost  SEO.   It's  a delicate  process,  but  it's  also  critical   to   your   company's  online  presence.

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